1. 언어형식 리스트

문법에 관련된 사항을 초, 중, 고 급별로 분류를 해놓은 자료이다.
하지만... 위계적인 측면으로 볼 때, 고등학교 입장에서 보면 가끔은 조금 난감하기도 하다.
중학교에서 배워야 할 것들을 제대로 배우지 못해서 일까... 난 지금도 중학교라고 표시되어 있는 내용들을 가르치기도 하는데... 여러분의 생각은 어떨지...

분류 예문 학교급
1 1. Sean and Kate are from London.     
1 A boy/The boy/The (two) boys ran in the park.     
1 Water is very important for life.     
1 The water in this river is safe.     
1 She lived in the woods when she was a kid.     
1 A lot of houses are made of wood.     
1 I couldn't hear a sound.     
1 This jet pane flies faster than sound.     
1 The audience is/are enjoying the show.     
1 The news is very interesting.     
1 Mathematics is my favorite subject.     
1 The Chinese drink tea a lot.     
2 2. The store is closed.     
2 This behavior is a warning sign.     
2 That dog of hers is smart.     
2 These/Those books are really large.     
2 You can choose any color you like.     
2 We didn't buy much/any food.    
2 I need a little more time to think.     
2 Most good comedians tell some bad jokes.     
2 Many young people have no money.     
2 Every American likes all Englishmen.    
2 Each boy admires his teacher.     
2 A few/few students came late for class.     
3 3. A tiger is in the cage.     
3 Lions are brave.     
3 A bird is singing now.     
3 A German is a good musician.     
3 Germans are good musicians.     
3 The German is diligent.     
3 The Germans are good musicians.     
4 4. Which do you like the better, this or that?     
4 These are apples, and those are pears.     
4 I like your glasses. What about mine?     
4 We are very glad to hear from him.     
4 He will help her.     
4 They’re really cheap.     
4 She works for the company, and he’s a scientist.     
4 John likes math but Susan doesn’t like it.     
4 You must be proud of yourself.     
4 He praised himself in the meeting.     
4 They’re talking to each other.     
5 5. I don't like the black coat, but I like the brown one.     
5 These cups are dirty. Could I have some clean ones?     
5 I have three books. One is mine. The others are yours.     
5 The biscuit was delicious. I’m going to have another one.     
5 The climate of Seoul is milder than that of New York.    
5 The ears of rabbits are longer than those of squirrels.    
5 I’d like to write a journal, but I’m too busy to do so.     
6 6. It’s cold outside.     
6 It’s Wednesday.     
6 It’s half past four.     
6 추가: It’s five dollars.     
6 It’s ten miles from here to my school.     
7 7. He walks to school every day.     
7 We (usually) meet after school is over.     
7 We played soccer yesterday.     
7 She is going to visit her grandparents next week.     
7 I will visit America next year.     
8 8. He is sleeping right now.     
8 I was studying when John called me.     
8 She will be coming soon.     
8 I’m thinking about the solution.     
8 He’s being very brave.     
8 We are hoping you will be with us.     
9 9. The train has arrived.     
9 Have you ever been to Florida?     
9 He has attended the club meetings regularly.     
9 The drugstore has been open since 1920.     
9 I’ve been studying for the exams.    
9 He had already left when we arrived.    
9 I will have finished my homework by the time you get here.     
10 10. The baby cried.     
10 She stayed in bed.     
10 He is a math teacher.     
10 I like gimbap.     
10 You can put the dish on the table.     
10 He gave me a present.     
10 They elected him president.     
11 11. Are you warm enough?     
11 These bags are too expensive.     
12 12. She is as tall as her mother (is).    
12 She’s old, but she’s not as old as he (is).   
12 I don’t know as many people as you (do).     
12 You can run as fast as Billy can.     
12 I arrived at the same time as Tom (did).     
13 13. Mary is taller than her mother (is).     
13 Her mother is less tall than I am.     
13 Her mother is less tall than me.    
13 They’ve got more/less money than they need.     
13 A car is much more expensive than a motor-bike.     
13 I prefer tea to coffee.    
13 The more she thought about it, the less she liked it.    
14 14. Kate is the shortest of the three.     
14 It was the worst moment in/of my life.     
14 Where is the world’s highest mountain?     
14 It is the most interesting speech I’ve ever heard.    
14 She is one of the smartest students in my class.     
15 15. I made him carry the box.     
15 They had me repeat the same things.     
15 You shouldn't let him go there again.     
15 Bill had the car cleaned.     
15 I had my picture taken.     
15 My mom got me to clean the room.     
15 I heard the children sing/singing.     
15 I saw him lying on the sofa.     
16 16. To see is to believe.     
16 He wanted to go home.     
16 My dad wants me to study hard.     
16 I hope to see you again soon.     
16 I have a book to read.     
16 He came to see me.     
16 He told me not to do it.     
16 The problem is where to get money (from).     
16 He seemed to have been ill (for some time).     
16 This new ship is big enough (to cross the Pacific).    
16 This just sounds too good (to be true).    
16 The turtle moves slowly enough for us to catch it.     
16 Robin ran too fast for me to catch him.     
16 Sue believed John to pass the exam.    
16 Dan wanted Pam to behave herself.    
16 I asked her to help me.    
16 I helped my mom (to) wash the dishes.    
16 Bill promised Jane to work out with her.    
16 Bill persuaded Jane to work out with him.    
17 17.Ron is slow to react.     
17 Chris was glad to hear the news.     
17 Ray is hesitant to agree with you.    
17 Ron is easy to please.     
18 18. Playing baseball is fun.     
18 We enjoy swimming in the pool.     
18 I’m interested in watching horror movies.     
18 I remembered John/John’s coming late for class.     
18 Did you go fishing last weekend?     
18 I don't feel like sleeping now.     
18 I cannot help doing things like that.     
18 It’s no use trying to persuade me.     
18 There is no use crying over the spilt milk.    
18 It goes without saying that time is money.     
18 Life is worth living.     
19 19. John and Mary are good friends.     
19 Does Mary work out on weekends?     
19 Open your book.     
19 Let’s go to the birthday party for Mary.     
19 How beautiful she is!    
19 What a wonderful day it is!    
19 What a teacher!     
19 What a player!     
20 20. I am not tired.     
20 It isn’t very cold.     
20 I don't like snakes.     
20 You can’t swim here.     
20 We didn't enjoy the holiday very much.     
20 They haven't told him what to do.     
20 Tom won’t be at the meeting tomorrow.     
20 Few/No people understand what he’s saying.     
20 The children seldomly/rarely/hardly/scarcely like carrots.     
21 21. Are you ready?     
21 Is it raining?     
21 Do you like oranges?     
21 Don’t you like apples?     
21 Won’t you have some cookies?     
21 Can you write a letter in English?     
21 Have you finished your homework yet?     
21 This is your book, isn’t it?     
21 You like oranges, don’t you?     
21 Bob isn’t here, is he?     
21 They haven’t left, have they?    
21 Let’s go, shall we?
21 There are children playing in the park, aren’t there?     
21 When will you come?     
21 Where can we get the bus?     
21 Why did he leave early?     
21 How do you spell your name?     
21 Who can answer that question?     
21 Whose dolls are these?     
21 Which ice cream do you like, vanilla or chocolate?     
21 What size is this shirt?     
21 What kind of job do you want?     
21 Which color do you prefer?     
21 What time is it?     
21 How old is she?     
21 How big is the house?     
21 How heavy is your computer?     
21 How much does it cost?     
21 How far did you drive today?     
21 How come you were late this morning?    
21 How good a dancer is she?     
21 Who cares?     
21 It cost how much? (with a rising intonation)     
22 22. She said, “I will help you.”    
22 She said that she would help me.    
22 He said to me, “I have been busy lately.”    
22 He said to me that he had been busy lately.    
22 He said to me, “I will come tomorrow.”     
22 He told me that he would come the next day.     
22 He said to me, “Please come at once.”     
22 He asked me to come at once,     
22 He said, “Do you need a pen?”     
22 He asked if/whether I needed a pen.     
22 Mary asked “where do you live?”    
22 Mary asked where I lived.     
23 23. I don't know where he lives.     
23 Please tell me what happened.     
23 I wonder whose bicycle that is.     
23 I don’t know whether he will come (or not).     
23 Tell me how to make cookies.     
23 I think (that) he is a good actor.     
24 24. If oil is mixed with water, it floats.     
24 I’ll lend Jack the money if he needs it.     
24 If you feel seasick, take one of these pills.     
24 If it should rain, I’ll stay home.     
24 We’re going to play baseball tomorrow unless it rains.     
24 Take these pills in case you feel ill on the bus.     
24 I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within six months.    
24 Provided that/As long as they had plenty to eat, the crew seemed to be happy.    
25 25. If Joe had time, he would go to Spain.     
25 If I were a bird, I could fly home.     
25 If Joe should have time, he would go to Spain.     
25 Had I had enough money, I would have bought a cell phone.     
25 Without/But for your advice, I would have failed.     
25 It’s time you were in bed.    
25 I wish I spoke English well.    
25 I wish I had learned swimming last summer.     
25 He acts as if he knew you.     
25 He acts as if he had been there.     
25 I’d rather we had dinner now.     
26 26. Can we sit down in here?     
26 May I borrow your book?     
26 You may leave now.     
26 Could we ask you what your opinion is?     
26 You should do as he says.     
26 You had better not say anything about this.     
26 They must do well on the test.     
26 Will you do me a favor?      
26 Shall I close the window?     
26 Shall we go now?     
26 You don't have to go to school tomorrow.     
26 You needn’t worry about the test.     
26 You don't need to pay that fine.     
26 Children may not use the swimming pool.     
26 You shouldn't be so impatient.     
26 He suggested that they (should) play baseball.     
26 He may be sick.     
26 He can’t be working at this time.     
26 There might be some complaints.     
26 The whole plan could be ruined.     
26 Our guests should/ought to be home by now.     
26 I should have studied English grammar harder.     
26 There shouldn't be any difficulties.     
26 You have to/You’ve got to be joking.     
26 Someone had to lose the game.     
26 They’ll fight to the end rather than give up.     
26 That must be my daughter.     
26 She may have made an important discovery.     
26 They must have arrived by now.     
26 She can play the violin.     
26 Could you show me the way to the nearest post office?     
26 I will be able to help you get to the party tonight.     
26 Will you please help me with my English?     
26 My father won’t give me any money.     
26 Would you like me to open these letters?     
26 Are you going to catch the last train?     
26 Oil will float on water.     
26 He would take a walk every morning.     
26 There used to be a lake around here.     
27 27. John plays the guitar, and his sister plays the piano.     
27 They are my neighbors, but I don't know them well.     
27 I may stop by tomorrow or just phone you.     
27 Both the teacher and the students enjoyed the class.     
27 You can have either tea or coffee.     
27 It is not only beautiful but (also) useful.     
27 The film was neither well-made nor well-acted.     
27 He came not to complain, but to help us.    
28 28. When we arrived, she was talking on the phone.     
28 Since he left this morning, I haven’t seen him.     
28 He went to bed because he was sleepy.    
28 We stayed home, since it rained hard.     
28 Although/Though it was cold, I went swimming.     
28 I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.     
28 We moved to London so that we could visit our friends more often.     
28 The weather was so nice that we went hiking.     
29 29.The cell phone is thin and light. Therefore, it is very convenient to carry around.    
29 We believe he is the thief. However, we have no evidence against him.     
29 I like spending my holidays in the mountains. On the other hand, my sister prefers the seaside.    
30 30. The girl who is playing the piano is called Ann.     
30 The pen which is on the desk is mine.     
30 This is the book (that) I bought yesterday.     
30 I met the girl whose father is a musician.     
30 She is the girl who/whom I told you about.    
30 The town in which I was born is very small.     
30 The house where she lives is very spacious.     
30 Mr. Lee, who teaches English, has two children.    
30 My kids work very hard, which makes me happy.    
30 Nobody understood what she said about that plan.    
30 That’s just how he talks, always serious about his work.    
30 Whoever wins this game will win the World Cup.     
31 31. Something strange happened last night.     
31 At the station I met a lady carrying a large umbrella.    
31 Wallets found on the street must be reported to the police.     
32 32. Walking along the street, I met an old friend.     
32 Joshua returning home, the puppy ran toward him.    
32 (Being) tired, he went to bed.     
32 Having seen that movie before, I wanted to see it again.     
32 Too nervous to reply, she stared at the floor.     
32 With the night coming, stars began to shine in the sky.     
33 33. Personally, I don't like his paintings.     
33 Frankly speaking, I failed the test.     
33 Unfortunately, they couldn't make it.     
33 To be sure, we have heard many such stories before.     
33 To our regret, she rejected the offer.     
34 34. My brother was wearing a raincoat and (he) didn't get wet.     
34 One student has written a poem, and the other (has written) a short story.     
34 John understands the problem better than Mary (does).     
34 Though (he had been) defeated, he remained popular.     
34 You can borrow my pen, if you want/like (to).     
35 35. Down came the rain.     
35 Here he comes.     
35 Here comes the bus.     
35 Not a word did he say.     
35 수정: She was hungry and so was I.     
35 I enjoyed the play and so did my friends.     
35 John didn't see the accident and neither did Mary.     
36 36.There are two books on the desk.     
36 There are some rooms available.    
36 There were several men running in the park.    
36 There have been three people rescued.    
37 37. Won’t you try again? - Yes, I will try again.     
37 You must speak to the teacher. - I have spoken to him.     
37 I do hope you will succeed.     
37 It was John who/that told me the truth.     
37 It was by train that we traveled to London.     
37 What we need is more time.     
37 What he’s done is (to) help us (to) finish the project.     
38 38. It is cruel to tease animals.     
38 It is difficult for me to speak French.     
38 She found it exciting to learn new things.    
39 39. Mr. Long, a famous tennis player, will be visiting us at the gym tomorrow.    
39 Your dream of becoming an astronaut requires a great amount of time and energy.    
39 The fact that Mary was late didn't surprise me.     
40 40. The novel was written by Mark Twain.     
40 The building was built in 1880.     
40 A prize was given to Jane.     
40 Jane was given a prize.     
40 Susan will be invited to today’s meeting.     
40 The information superhighway will have been introduced to everyone by 2015    
40 The monkey has been raised by human parents for years.     
40 I was made to clean the room.     
40 John was seen to cross the playground.     
40 Let it be done at once.    

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